Tico Time Website Redesign  Timeline & Quality Assurance Checklist

Estimated Release Date: Mid July

  • Total Project Completion: 100% 100% 100%

Task Complete

Task In Progress

Task Complete but Needing Client Approval (usually approved in meetings)

Client Action Item


Task Not Complete

Discovery Phase

  • 100% Completion 100% 100%

Needs Assessment Conversation


Do you already have a website?

Yes, https://ticotimeresort.com/


Why do you want in a website?

Improve user flow and design infrastructure
Better highlight all of Tico Time services
Attract more customers


What are your top level business goals?

Fill the RV Park with RV campers, tent campers, tours, day passes


How are you currently tracking your conversions?

Customers make RV reservations, book tours, or buy festival tickets


Objectives of website

Improve user flow and design infrastructure
Better highlight all of Tico Time services
Attract more customers


What metrics are required to support achievement of business objectives ?

Make reservations/buy tickets
Building email subscribers
Search rankings – if tyler comes on
Improve content quality


Design Requirements

Website is colorful, but not distracting – maintains tico time vibe
Main Tico Time font is used ‘Graceland’ but new more legible fonts are introduced for main headings
Image-rich design to showcase resort and resort activities


Functionality Requirements

RV Spot, Tent Camping and Day Pass booking (https://book.rvspots.com/TicoTimeRiverResort)
Resort Activity Waivers
Calendar Plugin Integration (https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/)


Direct Competitors

RV Parks in Durango
Navajo Lake State Park


Client's Value Proposition

Zero waste RV park – not a lot are doing that if any
Fun for individuals and for families and a place to create memories
Escapism – tropical vacation paradise


What are your main products/services?

  • Accommodations 
    • RV Empty Spots Camping 
    • RV Campers for rent
    • Tent Camping 
    • Day Passes
  • Resort Activities ( pages below may be out of scope) 
    • Zipline Tours 
    • Paddleboarding 
    • River Tubing & Rafting
    • Beach Volleyball 
    • Challenge and High Ropes Course 
    • Waterslide Jump and Waterslide
    • Disc Golf 
    • Yoga 
  • Resort Tours
    • Zipline Tours 
      • Zipline 
      • Night Zipline
      • Challenge and High Ropes Course 
    • River Tours 
      • River Rafting Tour
      • River Tubing Tours
      • SUP Stand Up Paddleboard Lessons
    • Combo Zipline and River Tours

Desired Website Pages - this may be subject to change

  • Home
  • Adventure Tours
    • Zipline
    • River
    • Combo
  • Festivals
  • Resort Activities
    • Zipline Tours
    • Paddleboarding
    • River Tubing & Rafting
    • Beach Volleyball
    • Challenge and High Ropes Course
    • Waterslide Jump and Waterslide
    • Disc Golf
    • Yoga
  • Accomodations
  • Book Your Stay – goes straight to the booking link
  • Contact Us
  • Complaints Page

Where is website content coming from?

To Be Decided


Where are photos coming from? What type of photos will we be using?

Received Google Drive Link



Will you need newsletter sign up integration?

Yes, we already have the code


Discussion of Next Steps



Findings from competitor and industry research

Durango RV Resorts

Navajo Lake State Park

  • Most websites out of date

Overall Findings

  • Most competitor websites are out of date and will be easy to out do
  • Based on other RV websites in the area it may be beneifical to:
    • Add in ‘Nearby Activities’ Page
    • Rename ‘Accomodations’ to “Rates & Accomodations”
    • Add Testimonials on Homepage
    • Add ‘Why choose us’ on homepag

Conversion Review


How do you want track your conversions?

  • RV & Day Pass Bookings
  • Tour Bookings
  • Festival Tickets Bought

User Persona Creation


User Personas and User flow charts are created and client approves

  • People with RV 
    • Desired Conversion:
      • Buy Empty RV Spot (seasonal prices)
      • Buy Tico Time Tours
  • People without RV
    • Desired Conversions
      • Rent furnished RV
      • Buy Tent/Car Camping spot
      • Buy Day Pass
      • Buy Tico Time Tours
  • People interested in tours 
    • Desired Conversion
      • Buy any of the tours
      • Buy a Day Pass ( does a day pass need to be bought to particpate in a tour?)
  • People interested in festivals
    • Desired Conversions
      • Buy Festival Ticket
      • Buy from Transportation options
      • Buy from RV site options
      • Buy adventure tour

Site Map & Flow Process Diagram Creation


Sitemap & Flow Process Diagram are created and client approves




Wireframe of Homepage and Inner pages are created and approved by client


Design/Branding Exploration


Font Choices are given and final font(s) are approved by client

  • Header Font Choice:
    • Bebas New
  • Body Font Choice: Josefin Sans

Color choice is given and final colors are approved by client

Functionality Prep


Do we have everything we need to develop the functionality of the website?

5 Star Business Profile & Schema (for SEO)- has been integrated 
The events calendar (for showing calendar events – has been integrated
Divi Carousel (for design) – has been integrated 

Content and SEO Phase

  • 100% Completion 100% 100%

Content Creation


Page content creation

Ashlee is creating content for the website
Content has been integrated onto site

Development Phase

  • 100% Completion 100% 100%

Homepage Design/Development


First draft of homepage is created and reviewed by client


Revisions are done and final homepage is created and approved by client.

Inner Page Design/Development


First draft of Accommodations page is created and reviewed by client



First draft of Tours page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Festivals page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Activities page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Contact Us page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Zipline & Challenge Course Tour page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of River Tubing an Rafting Tour page is created and reviewed by client



First draft of Combo Tour page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Paddleboarding page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Beach Volleyball page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Waterslide Jump and Waterslide page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Disc Golf page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Yoga page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Events Calendar page is created and reviewed by client



First draft of Events Venue page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Events page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Let's Make it Right Form page is created and reviewed by client


First draft of Outdoorsy page is created and reviewed by client



Revisions are done and final inner pages are created and approved by client.

Population Website with Content


Entire website is populated with content.


Verify with client that all content on website is accurate and up-to-date

Make Website Mobile-Friendly


Homepage is mobile-friendly


Inner pages are mobile-friendly


Client verifies website is mobile-friendly

Functionality of Website is Implemented


Key functionality is added to website

Calendar added
Reserve Now Buttons integrated
Integrated Outdoorsy
Business Schema added


Client approves functionality is working



Client Approves all photos and their placement


Verify all inbound and outbound links work


Verify all images or compressed and optimized


Verify all images have alt tags


Verify every page has a featured image


Upload Website Favicon


Delete unused images from media library


Delete unused pages

Website Launch

  • 50% Completion 50% 50%

Final SEO Checklist


All pages have keywords, meta tags and meta descriptions

Make Website Live


Verify contact form works


Uncheck option that blocks search engines from indexing the site

Install tracking tools